
Pointer comparisons

Pointer comparisons
Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays
Pointer Definition and Declaration,Features of Pointers,Pointer Variables Declaration,Initialization of the pointer variable,difference between Pointers and Functions,Pointers and Functions,Dangling Memory in pointers,Pointer Arithmetic,Incrementing a Pointer,Decrementing a Pointer,Pointer comparisons,Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays,Pointer to Pointer,Arrays and Pointers,Pointer to Void,Memory Allocation Functions,Conceptual view of memory,Accessing Dynamic Memory,Memory Management functions,Block Memory Allocation – Malloc,Contiguous Memory Allocation – Calloc,Reallocation of Memory – Realloc,Releasing Memory,Introduction to Pointers,define pointer in c language,c programming pointers,what is pointer in c language,use of pointers,difference between arrays and pointers,role of pointer,pointers concept in c language,how to declare pointer variable in c,pointer declaration in c language,Overview of Pointers,cse study zone,real time examples for pointers,pointers examples
Subscript operator is used to access an element of an array which implements an address arithmetic, like a pointer.

Pointer comparisons
Pointers may be compared by using relational operators, such as ==, < and >.
If p1 and p2 point to a variable that are related to each other, such as elements of the same array, then p1 and p2 can be meaningfully compared.

const int MAX=3;
int main()
/* Declaration and initializing an int array with 3 elements */
int var[] = {10,100,200};
int i, *ptr;
ptr=&var[MAX-1]; //Pointer now points to arrary i.e. last element
for(i=MAX; i>0;  i--)
printf(“Address of var[%d]=%x\n”, i,ptr); //Address of the current element
printf(“Value of var[%d]=%d\n”,i, *ptr); //Content of the current element
ptr--; //move to the previous location //The – operator works the same way in normal variables and pointer variables. The pointer now points to one address before.

  Address of var[3] = fff4
Value of Var[3]=200
  Address of var[2] = fff2
Value of var[2] = 100
  Address of var[1] = fff0
Value of var[1] = 10

The program modifies the previous example one by incrementing the variable pointer so long as the address to which it points is either less than or equal to the address of the last element of the array, which is &var[MAX-1]:

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