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Programming for Problem Solving
Standard file handling functions are:- Function name Operation fopen() creates a new file for use opens an existing file for use fclose() closes a file …
File Management in C FILE: · We are using scanf and printf functions to read and write data. · These are called formatted input/output functions, which always use the conso…
examples of bit fields in c languages Example: If we want to use the personal information of an employee in a compressed form. struct personal { unsigned sex: 1 unsigned age: 7 unsign…
Bit Fields · We have been using integer words of size 16 bits to store data. · There are occasions where data items require much less than 16 bits space, in such cases we w…
Write a program to verify the difference between union and structure Write a program to verify the difference between union and structure: #include <stdio.h> union job { //definin…
Unions in C Unions · Unions concept and syntax is the same as structures. · There is a difference between structure and union in terms of storage. · In the stru…
Pointer to structure Pointer to structure · Pointer which stores the address of a structure is called as "pointer to structure". · C language can define a pointe…
Write a program to send an entire structure as a parameter to a function Write a program to send an entire structure as a parameter to a function. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.…