
Arrays and Pointers

Arrays and Pointers
Arrays and Pointers
Arrays and pointers are closely related.
Array name is like a constant pointer.

Declare an array b[5] and a pointer ‘bPtr’
bPtr = b; // To set them equal to one another
// The array name(b) is actually the address of the first element of the array
bPtr = &b[0]; // Explicitly assigns bPtr to the address of first element of b.
To access element b[3]
x = *( bPtr + 3) // Where n is the offset. Called pointer/offset notation
x = bPtr[3] // Called pointer/subscript notation
// bPtr[3] same as b[3]
x = *(b + 3) // Performing pointer arithmetic on the array itself

Strong relation between pointers and arrays
Pointers and arrays can be used interchangeably.
The array name is equivalent to the address of the first element in the array.

int a[10];
int *pa;
pa = &a[0]; //is equivalent to pa = a
a[1]  *(pa + 1)  pa[1]  *(a + 1)
&a[1]  pa + 1  a+1
a[i]  *(pa+1)  pa[i]  *(a+i)
&a[1]  pa+1  a+i
a[i]+= 5 *(pa+i)+= 5pa[i]+= 5
f(int s[]) f(int *s)
{.... {....
} }

Arrays can contain pointers.
For example: an array of strings.
char *suit[4] = {“Hearts”, “Diamonds”, “Clubs”, “Spades”};
Strings are pointers to the first character
Char * - each element of the suit is a pointer to a char
The strings are not actually stored in the array suit, only pointers to the strings are stored.
Pointer Definition and Declaration,Features of Pointers,Pointer Variables Declaration,Initialization of the pointer variable,difference between Pointers and Functions,Pointers and Functions,Dangling Memory in pointers,Pointer Arithmetic,Incrementing a Pointer,Decrementing a Pointer,Pointer comparisons,Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays,Pointer to Pointer,Arrays and Pointers,Pointer to Void,Memory Allocation Functions,Conceptual view of memory,Accessing Dynamic Memory,Memory Management functions,Block Memory Allocation – Malloc,Contiguous Memory Allocation – Calloc,Reallocation of Memory – Realloc,Releasing Memory,Introduction to Pointers,define pointer in c language,c programming pointers,what is pointer in c language,use of pointers,difference between arrays and pointers,role of pointer,pointers concept in c language,how to declare pointer variable in c,pointer declaration in c language,Overview of Pointers,cse study zone,real time examples for pointers,pointers examples

Pointer to Void
‘void’ type pointer is a generic pointer, which can be assigned to any data type without cast during compilation or runtime. ‘void’ pointer cannot be referenced unless it is cast.
Instead of declaring different types of pointer variable it is feasible to declare a single pointer which can act as an integer pointer or a character pointer.
void *pointer_name;

int main()
void* p;
int x =7;
float y =23.5;
p = &x; // p now points to an int value
printf(“x contains: %d\n”, *((int *)p));
p = &y; //p now points to a float value
printf(“y contains: %f\n”, *((float *)p));

x contains 7
y contains 23.500000

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