
Switch Statement

Switch Statement
Switch Statement
  • In real life we often face situations, where we need to make a choice, between a number of alternatives rather than only one or two
  • Serious C programming is the same as real life, the choice we are asked to make is, more complicated than merely selecting between two alternatives.
  • C programming provides a special control statement that allows us to handle such cases effectively; rather than using a series of ‘if’ statements.
  • The switch statement, tests the value of a given expression, against the list of case values.

The general form of switch statement is:
switch(integer expression)
case constant 1:
                do this;
case constant 2:
                do this;
case constant 3:
                do this;
                do this;

Example 1:
Sample C program, using switch statement

int main(void)
int i=2;
case 1:
printf(“I am in case 1”);
case 2:
printf(“This is the second one”);
case 3:
printf(“This is the third case”);
printf(“your are in default”);
return 0;

This is the second one
This is the third case
You are in default

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