
Nested ‘if’ Statement

syntax of Nested if statement in C Nested ‘if’ statement
When an ‘if’ statement has another ‘if’ statement as one of its possible processing branches, these ‘if’ statements are said to be nested.

if(boolean_expression 1)
//Executes when the Boolean expression 1 is true
if(Boolean_expression 2)
// executes when the Boolean expression 2 is true

Sample C program for nested if statement

int main(void)
int i;       //the integer value is declared as ‘i’.
printf(“enter either 1(for Birthday) or 2(for Wedding Day)”);       //Text displayed asking user to enter either 1 or 2
scanf(“%d”,&i); //the integer i is scanned
if(i==1) //if ‘i' is equal to 1 then the statement, we wish you a happy birthday is displayed.
printf(“we wish you a happy birthday”);
if(i==2) //if i is equal to 2 then the next statement will be displayed.
printf(“we wish you a happy wedding day”);
printf(“Have a nice day anyway”);
return 0;

Enter either 1 or 2
Have a nice day anyway

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