
Functions in C Language

Functions in C Language
Functions in ‘C’ language

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Functions in ‘C’ language are divided into two types, standard library functions and user defined functions or a programmer defined functions.

Standard Library functions
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Standard library functions are pre-packaged functions or in-built functions of ‘C’
The ‘C’ standard library provide a rich collection of functions for performing common mathematical calculations, string manipulations character manipulations, input/output and many other useful operations.

List of the most common libraries and a brief description of the most useful functions is given below:
stdio.h:I/O functions:
getchar() returns the next character typed on the keyboard
putchar() outputs a single character to the screen
printf() used to write functions to write I/O devices
scanf() used to read from I/O devices
string.h: String functions
strcat() concatenates a copy of str2 to str1
strcmp() compares two strings
strcpy() compares contents of str2 to str1
ctype.h:Character functions
isdigit() returns non-0 if arg is digit 0 to 9
islapha() returns non-0 if arg is a letter of the alphabet
isalnum() retuns non-0 if arg is a letter or digit
isslower() returns non-0 if arg is a lowercase letter
isupper() returns non-0 if arg is uppercase letter
math.h: Mathematics functions
acos() returns arc cosine of arg
asin() returns arc sine of arg
atan() returns arc tangent of arg
cos() returns cosine of arg
exp() returns natural logarithm e
fabs() returns absolute value of num
sqrt() returns square root of num
time.h: Time and Date functions
time() returns current calendar time of system
difftime() returns difference in sec between two times
clock() returns number of system clock cycles since program execution
stdlib.h: Miscellaneous functions
malloc() provides dynamic memory allocation, covered in future sections
reand() as already described previously
srand() used to set the starting point for rand()

User defined functions
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User defined functions are self-contained blocks of statements which are written by the user to compute or perform a task.

They can be called by the main program repeatedly as per the requirement.
Uses of functions
They are very much useful when a block of statements has to be written/executed again and again.
They are useful when program sizes are too large and complex.
It works like a top-down modular programming technique, to solve a problem.
They are also used to reduce the difficulties during debugging a program.
The length of a source program can be reduced by using functions at appropriate places.
It is easy to locate and isolate a faulty function for further investigations.
A function can be used by many other programs.
Thus, the C programmer can build their own library.

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