
UML Common Mechanisms

UML Common Mechanisms-OOAD Lecture Notes
Common Mechanisms 
The four common mechanisms that apply throughout UML are: 
Common Divisions
Extensibility Mechanisms 
Here, the use of adornments and extensibility mechanisms are discussed 
  • Node is an important adornment 
  • Extensibility mechanisms are used to extend the language in controlled ways 
  • These mechanisms contain stereotypes, tagged values and constraints 
Tagged Value 
  • Used for adding constraints or comments to an element/group of elements 
  • Use to attach information to a model such as observations, requirements and explanations 
  • Has no semantic impact, i.e., its content does not change the meaning of the model to which it is attached 
  • Graphically represented as rectangle with a dog-eared corner 
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  • Used to extend the vocabulary of the UML by creating new model elements derived from existing ones that have specific properties suitable for a domain/problem 
  • Each stereotype defines a set of properties that are received by elements of that stereotype 
  • Graphically represented as a name enclosed by guillemots and placed above the name of another element («name») 
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Tagged Value 
  • Extend the properties of a UML building block by allowing to create new information in that element's specification 
  • Can be defined for existing elements of the UML 
  • Can also define tags that apply to individual stereotypes.  Then everything within that stereotype will have that tagged value 
  • A tagged value is a kind of metadata, since its value applies to the element itself and not its instances
  • Graphically represented as a string enclosed by brackets and placed below the name of another element
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  • Extend the semantics of a UML building block that allows to add new rules, or modify existing ones
  • Graphically represented as a string enclosed by brackets and placed near the associated elements or connected to that elements by dependency relationships
cse study zone,estudies4you,UML Common Mechanisms,,ooad Common Mechanisms,Common Mechanisms in uml,Common Mechanisms in ooad,define Node in uml,define Stereotype in uml,Tagged Values in uml,Constraints in uml,Modeling New Properties in uml,Modeling New Semantics in uml,

Modeling New Properties 
  • To model new properties:
  • To model new properties, If there is no way to express what is needed by using UML and if there is no other way to describe the semantics, define a stereotype and assign the new properties to it 
  • The rules of generalization are applied 
  • The tagged values, which are defined for a kind of stereotype, apply to its children too
cse study zone,estudies4you,UML Common Mechanisms,,ooad Common Mechanisms,Common Mechanisms in uml,Common Mechanisms in ooad,define Node in uml,define Stereotype in uml,Tagged Values in uml,Constraints in uml,Modeling New Properties in uml,Modeling New Semantics in uml,

Modeling New Semantics 
To model new semantics: 
  • If there is no way to express what is needed by using UML, and 
  • If there is no way to convey the semantics, write new semantics in a constraint and place it near the element to which it refers 
  • Depict a more precise relationship by connecting a constraint to its elements by using a dependency relationship 
  • State semantics more accurately and formally; then write new semantics using Object Constraint Language (OCL)
cse study zone,estudies4you,UML Common Mechanisms,,ooad Common Mechanisms,Common Mechanisms in uml,Common Mechanisms in ooad,define Node in uml,define Stereotype in uml,Tagged Values in uml,Constraints in uml,Modeling New Properties in uml,Modeling New Semantics in uml,

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